Yes, those nudges and whispers to our soul are more important than what the external world tries to tell us. Love this reminder! Thanks, Janet!

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You are most welcome :-)

So true

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The "nudges" in my life that I listen to the most readily are the ones to check in on people. When I think of someone, no matter who or what or why, I send a short text. "thinking of you...what's up?" --I kid you not, every single damn time, I get a reply saying that they needed the check-in. I trust that nudge. the nudge to connect. (turns out, I usually need the connect too).

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Beautiful Teri 💜

Making a difference in so many lives 🤗

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Always a good one that is softly delivered that it doesn't feel forced. Well done. thank you.

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You are welcome

Thank you 🙏

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Thanks Janet for this. So refreshing. I felt like literally hugging someone by the end of exercise:)

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You are welcome Tariq :-)

So glad it helped 🙏

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Thank you Janet, I always love your Your inspiration! I hope you are enjoying a beautiful weekend!💖✨💖

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You are welcome Charlotte :-) Thank you for your kind words 🙏✨💖

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My pleasure, of course @Janet Ridsdale 🤗

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