Now What? with JR
“Now What?” Hosted by JR
Pay attention to your little nudges

Pay attention to your little nudges

Podcast Episode # 24

Cultivating an inspiring garden of HOPE. Learn how to rewire your brain, build your resilience, and embrace technology. Let’s walk confidently together into the future. Now What Hosted by JR - available on Apple, Substack and soon to be Spotify.

Created by ChatGPT 4o and DALL-E

Welcome back

Pay attention to your little nudges

Have the courage to trust yourself.

We last spoke about: What can you do when you don't quite feel a spring in your step?

We ended with mentioning the October Gratitude Challenge.

More details will follow soon.

Some housekeeping:

  • My Newsletter and Podcast are supported by people like you.

  • Join our community by subscribing to my Newsletter.

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Podcast link ⬆️

Enough with the chit chat.

Close your eyes and get comfortable

Breathe slowly though your nose - 3…2…1…

Breathe slowly out your mouth - 3 …2 …1 …

Repeat 4 times

Open your eyes

Wiggle your fingers

Wiggle your toes

Stretch up high and give yourself a big hug.

Don't ignore those little nudges!

Listen here to the Podcast ⬆️

You know when you get a ‘feeling’.

A nudge …

From ordering your morning coffee to deciding which email to open first, choices are an integral part of our lives. Many of these choices are influenced by nudges—interventions designed to guide our decisions toward an optimal outcome, often without us even realizing it. This is also known as “nudge theory.” -1

Nudge Theory is based upon the idea that by shaping the environment, also known as the choice architecture, one can influence the likelihood that one option is chosen over another by individuals.-2

Now this is very specific behaviours that people are encouraged to follow. It’s important that these are open and transparent.

But I want to talk about the little nudges we get from the Universe.

Thank you so much for joining us today!

We have really enjoyed our time together.


  • This is a reminder to listen to those little nudges. If you know what you ought to do, don't beat around the bush.

  • Do it!

  • No ifs, ands, or buts.

Feel a nudge?

  • Make that call!

  • Review your work.

  • Check in with your loved one.

Thank you for listening!

  • How can you support my Podcast and Newsletter?

  • Podcast: Follow and leave a review on Apple or Spotify.

  • Become a community member by subscribing

Should you choose to - scan and buy me a coffee - thank you:-)
  1. Like and comment about what you do when you feel a nudge.

  2. Spread the word - tell your family, friends and colleagues.

Be Well

Until next time …



  2. Nudge Theory - theory/#:~:text=Nudge%20Theory%20is%20based%20upon,chosen%20over%20another%20by%20individuals.

Discussion about this podcast

Now What? with JR
“Now What?” Hosted by JR
My show is about life, when the world turns upside down in your personal or work life, “Now What?” I will be talking with listeners and guests to learn their stories and their actions that helped them to move forward through challenging events. “Now What?” is a podcast about the stories and experiences of a diverse group of people, who learned or are learning to Cope, Adjust and Thrive in a rapidly changing world.