Now What? With JR
“Now What?” Hosted by JR
S1 E2 - How can we build Resilience in our Personal and Work Lives?

S1 E2 - How can we build Resilience in our Personal and Work Lives?

Podcast Contact Information Email: Social Media Handles: LinkedIn: Instagram: @jrnowwhat Twitter: @Ridsdale7 In this episode I am going to chat a little about myself so you can get a sense of who I am - we will lightly touch on my journey, a couple things I have learnt about building Resilience and where I hope we will journey together. This will set the stage for our guests that will be joining us weekly - starting in April.Every week I also plan to do the occasional short episode - like today - so that you and I can connect and as the Podcast grows, we will have Q & A episodes. It has been a long journey to this moment- the moment where I am putting my voice out over the Internet- with no control over who hears it or where it goes. I have been wanting to share my thoughts and experiences and have guests talking about life and work as we move into the future. What can we do when life happens, and we ask ourselves- Now What? I talk a lot to people in my life about my belief that’s will all work out - based on my faith and the many times “life has unexpectedly happened “ I talk about the fact that what we think about ultimately becomes our life. Our brains cannot tell the difference between a real thought and a made-up thought. Input equals output. By focusing in on our dominant thoughts and seeking positive input we can literally change our lives. The Power of Positive thinking gained scientific credibility in 2015 when Norman Doidge (a neuroscientist) published a book- ‘The Brain that changes itself’. Their research on positive thinking showed physical changes in the brain.  This doesn’t mean that external “Life Events” will stop happening it just means that we have more tools in our Now What? Resilience Toolbox. But we must keep at it every day – if we want to see ongoing changes.Being resilient doesn’t mean that we have it all figured out - but it helps to keep us rooted like a tree - we may sway and bend and of course sometimes we snap because the TORNADO of life is just too great. I've had many things happen to me and some of them have completely overwhelmed me. One of the overwhelming events that happened a few years ago when my autistic son went in for surgery and came out paralysed. When I went into the recovery room because (he's autistic they allow me to come in  to help him) I thought to myself – all I can think about right now is helping him. I couldn’t even begin to think about how I was and what I needed to do for myself .As Churchill once said when you going through hell just keep going…..For me my faith, family, friends and community and the absolute belief that it would all work out enabled me to put one foot in front of the other.   Women who Inspired JR Instagram Handles: Cathy Heller: @cathy.heller Connie Jakab: @conniejakab Gail Keye Sallen: @gailkeyesallen Mel Robbins: @melrobbins Tanya K.: @tanyak_leadership

Now What? With JR
“Now What?” Hosted by JR
My show is about life, when the world turns upside down in your personal or work life, “Now What?” I will be talking with listeners and guests to learn their stories and their actions that helped them to move forward through challenging events. “Now What?” is a podcast about the stories and experiences of a diverse group of people, who learned or are learning to Cope, Adjust and Thrive in a rapidly changing world.
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Janet Ridsdale