Now What? With JR
“Now What?” Hosted by JR
Thursday Thoughts #16

Thursday Thoughts #16

Show yourself compassion

Welcome to Thursday Thoughts audio only Edition #16

Show yourself compassion

A little Housekeeping:

  • This weeks upcoming Thursday Thoughts will be video as usual and we will be talking about - Our Worthiness.

  • My Podcast will relaunch on July 15!!

Enough with the chit chat

Let’s close our eyes.

  • Breathing Exercise - please listen to the audio.

Sometimes we pile extra expectations on ourselves without considering that we are humans first. We need to cut ourselves some slack.

  • This requires flexibility.

  • Show yourself the same compassion and understanding that you would show to someone else who needed it.

In his article: ‘A 21 Day Challenge for Personal Growth’ Adam talks about

The Goldilocks Zone’ - which is a great reminder for us all.

Goldilocks Zone of actions - which means creating tasks that are neither too challenging nor too easy - they should be just right. You want to push yourself enough to promote growth without becoming overwhelmed.

So glad you could join us today!

You know what to do

Should you choose to - scan and buy me a coffee - thank you:-)
  1. Like and comment.

  2. Spread the word - tell your family, friends and colleagues.

Be Well

Until next time …

Now What? With JR
“Now What?” Hosted by JR
My show is about life, when the world turns upside down in your personal or work life, “Now What?” I will be talking with listeners and guests to learn their stories and their actions that helped them to move forward through challenging events. “Now What?” is a podcast about the stories and experiences of a diverse group of people, who learned or are learning to Cope, Adjust and Thrive in a rapidly changing world.
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Janet Ridsdale