Now What? with JR
“Now What?” Hosted by JR
Thursday Thoughts #17

Thursday Thoughts #17

You are worthy
Photo by RDNE Stock project: UnSplash

Welcome to Thursday Thoughts Edition #17

You are worthy

We are so glad you are here!

A little Housekeeping:

  • Thursday Thoughts is now being uploaded on my Podcast.

  • Last week I inadvertently uploaded Thursday Thoughts #16 to my old Podcast instead of an article. I have decided to just roll with it :-)

  • Taking it as a serendipitous event.

  • We will add videos in a few weeks.

  • The Podcast was supposed to relaunch on July 15.

  • Now it might be an audience participation revamp. Perhaps you can all have the opportunity to weigh on whether the name should be changed and vote on a new colour choice!

Enough with the chit chat

Let’s close our eyes.

If it’s helpful, play some soothing music.

  • Breathing Exercise - please listen to the audio podcast.

You are worthy

  • You are who you are.

  • Not what you are.

Please listen to the audio podcast.

“The human heart flourishes under gentleness and withers under criticism.” - Shannon Evans

This sums up how important our words and actions are.

How we interact with others and our self-talk has a positive or negative impact.

There are additional resources at the bottom of the page.

So glad you could join us today!

You know what to do.

Should you choose to - scan and buy me a coffee - thank you:-)
  1. Like and comment.

  2. Spread the word - tell your family, friends and colleagues.

Be Well

Until next time …


Courtney E. Ackerman, MA


  2. You can download 3 free exercises at the end of the article:

  3. Healthy relationships are an important part of self-worth. Kat is an amazing relationship coach -

  4. Rachel Sharpe

Discussion about this podcast

Now What? with JR
“Now What?” Hosted by JR
My show is about life, when the world turns upside down in your personal or work life, “Now What?” I will be talking with listeners and guests to learn their stories and their actions that helped them to move forward through challenging events. “Now What?” is a podcast about the stories and experiences of a diverse group of people, who learned or are learning to Cope, Adjust and Thrive in a rapidly changing world.