Now What? with JR
“Now What?” Hosted by JR
What can you do when you don't quite feel a spring in your step?

What can you do when you don't quite feel a spring in your step?

Now What? Podcast Episode #23

Now What Hosted by JR - available on Apple, Substack and soon to be Spotify. We are encouraging people to live their best life. Embracing technology with heart. Let's build our resilience toolbox and inspire change together.

Image by ChatGPT and DALL-E 2024.

Welcome back

What can you do when you don't quite feel a spring in your step?

We last spoke about Curiosity as a Superpower.

We ended with mentioning the September Gratitude Challenge.

More details will follow soon.

Some housekeeping:

  • My Newsletter and Podcast are listener supported by people like you.

  • You still have time to snap up our flash sale: for $40 you get a whole year’s subscription.

  • If you are able to please consider becoming a paid community member.

  • For those listening on my Podcast please head over to the Show Notes

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Please listen on the Podcast link above:

Enough with the chit chat.

Close your eyes and get comfortable

Breathe slowly though your nose - 3…2…1…

Breathe slowly out your mouth - 3 …2 …1 …

Repeat 4 times

Open your eyes

Wiggle your fingers

Wiggle your toes

Stretch up high and give yourself a big hug.

What can you do when you don’t quite feel a spring in your step? 

You know the feeling when everything is going along OK.

But you just don’t have a spring in your step.

For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere

Dreading the thought of winter

And our friends in the Southern Hemisphere waiting for spring

Take a moment to Pause


  • Are you simply all tapped out?

  • Just feeling blah?

  • Bored?

  • Feeling stuck?

Let’s do a short exercise:

Grab a pen and paper and some sort of container.

  • Realign

Now that you have released some of the negative energy in your body.

What is one thing you can do for yourself today?

  • Perhaps watch a familiar comedy and have a good belly laugh!

  • Think about how you can change one thing in your routine. Changing something in our routine takes our brain off autopilot. This will give you a boost.

  • Rise and move forward

  • Acknowledge that these feelings are normal but you do not have to focus on them. You can go through the above steps and commit to doing things differently.

  • Use a mantra - write a sentence that you can repeat a few times - each time you lose the spring in your step. For example: ‘I feel energized! I am ready to face the day!!”

  • For those of us heading into fall - remember that spring and summer will come again.

  • Resolve to get outdoors, do some exercises or connect more with family and friends so you don’t become a hermit.

  • If you have S.A.D. (Seasonal Affected Disorder) invest in a light lamp and use it regularly.


  • Remember to be kind to yourselves.

  • Sometimes you just need to hangout on the couch.

  • If you feel that you need to explore more: please see below in the Resource Section - I have a link to

    publication. She has a Soul Wellness Checkup for you to complete.

Thank you for listening!

  • How can you support my Podcast and Newsletter?

  • Podcast: Follow and leave a review on Apple or soon to be Spotify. Become a community member by subscribing

  • Newsletter:

    You can become a paid community member by subscribing or scan the QR Code below and buy me a coffee.

    Should you choose to - scan and buy me a coffee - thank you:-)
    1. Like and comment about what you do to nurture your curiosity and play.

    2. Spread the word - tell your family, friends and colleagues.

    Be Well

    Until next time …


Kat Nieh -

Soulfueled Entrepreneur
Continual struggles are your soul’s cry for help
Frustration, annoyance, procrastination, avoidance, stuckness, directionlessness, burnout…
Read more

Discussion about this podcast

Now What? with JR
“Now What?” Hosted by JR
My show is about life, when the world turns upside down in your personal or work life, “Now What?” I will be talking with listeners and guests to learn their stories and their actions that helped them to move forward through challenging events. “Now What?” is a podcast about the stories and experiences of a diverse group of people, who learned or are learning to Cope, Adjust and Thrive in a rapidly changing world.