We are cultivating an inspiring garden of HOPE. Learn how to rewire your brain, build your resilience, and embrace technology. Let’s walk confidently together into the future. Now What Hosted by JR - available on Apple, Substack and soon to be Spotify.
My Newsletter has just gone over 700 subscribers and next week will be my 30th Podcast Episode. To celebrate all my amazing subscribers paid and free, Followers and Listeners
We are doing a Special Offer until Dec 15th: Forever 33% off annual subscription.
Welcome back
Today we are going to chat about Making a difference right here, right now, with what you have and know.
A few weeks ago we talked about Finding your Inner Eagle
Some housekeeping:
As you have probably guessed I am currently revamping my Newsletter. The ‘Inner Grove’ will be opening soon in our Community Garden Newsletter.
This section will be for paid subscribers. There will be challenges, workshops etc. I will still do free content as I know that not everyone is able to be a paid subscriber.
Both my Podcast and Newsletter are supported by people like you.
Join our Community Garden by subscribing to my Community Garden Newsletter.
Listen via Podcast link ⬆️
Enough with the chit chat.
Close your eyes and get comfortable
Breathe slowly though your nose - 3…2…1…
Breathe slowly out your mouth - 3 …2 …1 …
Repeat 4 times
Open your eyes
Wiggle your fingers
Wiggle your toe
Making a difference right here, right now, with what you have and know.
I hear you …
What can I do?
No one will listen to me
I am only one person in an ocean of many.
Take a moment to go and read a Special Edition I did back in March in my Newsletter about someone who made a huge difference in our world her name is Anja. She entered a worldwide school art competition and won out of 600,000 entries. (Podcast listeners can click the link in the Show Notes)
She made me think of how important it is to remember that we have an impact on each person we come into contact with. That impact creates a ripple which is endless. Imagine if we decided to make ‘Connection Ripple’
Sometimes our world can seem dark and lonely, but if each of us made the effort to do a Random Act of Kindness and connected with strangers and people we know alike - Imagine what a difference we could make!
Listening to today’s Podcast about ‘Making A Difference” may not inspire you
You may be overwhelmed and feel like you can’t think of one more thing?
Head to the bottom of the Newsletter or Show Notes and you will find a Resource Section. I have included links to the Substack of my friend
who is a Neuroscientist. In her article this week she included a free Burnout Risk Quiz.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
I have really enjoyed our time together.
Making a difference right here, right now, with what you have and know.
You are not alone
Research consistently highlights the correlation between social connections and mental health. The absence of meaningful connections or simply feeling invisible can contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and a sense of disconnection from the world. The absence of connection is a toll on our mental and emotional resilience.
Think about if you made the effort to do a Random Act of Kindness and connected with strangers and people we know alike - Imagine what a difference we could make!
Thank you for listening!
How can you support my Podcast and Newsletter?
Podcast: Follow and leave a review on Apple or Spotify.
Should you choose to - scan and buy me a coffee - thank you:-)
Thank you for listening!
Thank you for listening!
How can you support my Podcast and Newsletter?
Podcast: Follow and leave a review on Apple or Spotify.
Newsletter: Like and comment
Spread the word - tell your family, friends and colleagues.
Be Well
Until next time …
Burnout Risk
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